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Author Destiny Blaine
"Reaching out to readers of all genres"
About the Author
International bestselling author Destiny Blaine writes award-winning e-books and trade paperbacks using several pseudonyms. An erotic romance author, Destiny enjoys western contemporary, paranormal, thrillers, and romantic suspense. Destiny lives in East Tennessee with her husband, daughter, and three pampered dogs. Her son is serving in the United States Navy.
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Destiny's Favorite Title
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Waking up the Arguably Dead is set in the author's hometown of Blountville, Tennessee. Inspired by many of the locals living there, Waking up the Arguably Dead is a paranormal novel available now from Passion in Print
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He wanted to love her, but instead he let her go. She wanted to honor him, but instead she made it nearly impossible for him to find his way home.
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